
Risk of infection: The mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria, which means there is a high risk of infections when getting the Lip Bush procedure. Avoid eating any food or liquids for at least 5 hours after your appointment. Eating immediately after procedure will cause inflammation, infections, and low-ink retention.

Though it is rare, infection is possible if After Care is not followed correctly. If you see any of these signs such as increased redness or swelling, fever, drainage, or oozing- please contact your doctor immediately.

Please avoid the following:

  • No Spicy/oily/acidic/greasy foods. Eat in small bites, you don’t want to stretch your lips.
  • Mouth wash in between meals or 3 times a day for the next 10 days
  • No Rubbing. Dab lips instead.
  • Keep lips moisturized – Aquaphor or Hustle Butter
  • Avoid saline water, it will cause the ink to shed.
  • No soaps or chemicals on your lips. Be careful washing face.
  • No teeth whitening products
  • No exposure to direct sunlight /tanning beds.
  • No smoking or kissing for at least 10 days.

Lip blush procedures are affected by the ‘canvas’ aka your skin that they are performed on. Therefore, everyone’s healing process can be different.

Lifestyle, medication, smoking, facial treatments, other lip procedures, and health of skin can all contribute to fading and outcome.

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Los Angeles, CA

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